
1. III
1) replace smb., smth. we haven't been able to get anyone to replace her мы не могли найти никого, кто бы ее заменил; can anything replace a mother's love and саге? разве может что-либо заменить материнскую любовь и заботу?; have buses replaced trams in your town? автобусы уже вытеснили трамваи в вашем городе?
2) replace smth. replace a broken dish (a broken vase, etc.) заменить разбитое блюдо и т.д.; I will replace the cup I broke я принесу точно такую же чашку, как я разбил; replace the stolen money возместить украденную сумму денег
2. IV
replace smb., smth. in some manner replace smb., smth. effectively /promptly, skilfully, etc./ эффективно /успешно/ и т.д. замещать кого-л., заменять что-л.; the telephone is rapidly replacing the telegraph телефон быстро вытесняет телеграф
3. XXI1
smb. during (at, on, etc.) smth. replace smb. during his absence (a colleague at school, the king on the throne, etc.) замещать кого-л. на время его отсутствия и т.д.; replace smb. by smb. replace smb. by a new-comer (Mr. A. by Mr. В in the office, etc.) заменять кого-л. новым человеком и т.д.; replace smith. by /with /smth. replace an original picture by /with/ a copy (buildings of wood by those of stone, coin by paper money, coal fires by gas, etc.) заменять оригинальную картину копией и т.д.
4. XXIV1
replace smb., smth. as smb., smth. Mr. Smith has replaced Mr. Brown as manager мистер Смит сменил /занял место/ мистера Брауна на посту управляющего; electricity has replaced gas as a means of illumination электричество заменило газ как средство освещения

English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "replace" в других словарях:

  • replace — re‧place [rɪˈpleɪs] verb [transitive] 1. to start being used, doing a job etc instead of something or someone else: • The tax replaces a levy of 13.5% on manufactured goods. • He will be replaced as chief executive by the current finance director …   Financial and business terms

  • Replace — Re*place (r? pl?s ), v. t. [Pref. re + place: cf. F. replacer.] 1. To place again; to restore to a former place, position, condition, or the like. [1913 Webster] The earl . . . was replaced in his government. Bacon. [1913 Webster] 2. To refund;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • replace — replace, displace, supplant, supersede are rarely interchangeable terms, but they can carry the same basic meaning to put a person or thing out of his or its place or into the place of another. Replace implies supplying a substitute for what has… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • replace — replace, substitute 1. The typical construction is to replace A with B (or, in the passive, B is replaced by A), or B can simply replace A, whereas with substitute it is to substitute B for A or to substitute B without any continuation (more… …   Modern English usage

  • replace — [ri plās′] vt. replaced, replacing 1. to place again; put back in a former or the proper place or position 2. to take the place of; supplant [workers replaced by automated equipment] 3. to provide a substitute or equivalent for [to replace a worn …   English World dictionary

  • replace — I verb act for, alternate, change, commute, compensate, cover for, depute, deputize, duplicate, exchange, fill in for, interchange, make amends, pay back, put back, refund, reimburse, reinstall, reinstate, repay, reponere, represent, restitute,… …   Law dictionary

  • replacé — replacé, ée (re pla sé, sée) part. passé de replacer. La statue de Napoléon Ier replacée sur la colonne de la place Vendôme …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • replace — 1590s, to restore to a previous place, from RE (Cf. re ) back, again + PLACE (Cf. place) (v.). Meaning to take the place of is recorded from 1733 …   Etymology dictionary

  • replace — [v] take the place of; put in place of alter, back up, change, compensate, displace, fill in, follow, front for*, give back, mend, oust, outplace, patch, pinch hit for*, put back, reconstitute, recoup, recover, redeem, redress, reestablish,… …   New thesaurus

  • replacé — Replacé, [replac]ée. part …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • replace — ► VERB 1) take the place of. 2) provide a substitute for. 3) put back in a previous place or position. DERIVATIVES replaceable adjective replacer noun …   English terms dictionary

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